Anonymous registration only please

What is the sum of 4 and 4?

Registration Info

Stay anonymous at Q

Your anonymity is important to us. 

Q-HEALTH does neither ask for your real name, nor for address or other ID data, because we want to ensure your anonymity without any linkage to your real identity. In that way we ensure the confidentiality and privacy of your intimate personal health infos.

Kindly use only a fantasy name as user ID! Just give us few data for general statistics and to help us improve functionality of your personal Q. We appreciate your trust.

No registration fee
No running fees
No subscriptions
No obligations
Easy and fast registering
Pay per Q - only when you are in need of medical support

Your membership advantages

Advantage Q-POINTS

Collection of Q-Points will allow you to pay Q by Q-Points, when you have enough of them. Means no payment needed then. You can earn Q-Points by recommending us to your family and friends and by ranking effectiveness of your Q and by giving written reference. Once being logged in, you will also get a detailed report about where, when and for what you earned your Q-Points and how much your total is.

Advantage Medical History

MY Q provides a full list of all Q you have ever taken. So you will have your own confidential medical history listed. Furthermore, MY Q will give you the possibility to rank the effectiveness of each Q taken and to feedback with unlimited reference comment.

Last but not least, MY Q will provide you the possibility to watch or re-view your Q within 12 hours from ordering. For example in case you got disturbed or interrupted whilst watching the Q. Or if you want to watch your Q not immediately but a bit later.

Advantage Promo Actions

Whenever we will have a special Promo action, you will profit from it.

Advantage Password Renewal

Whenever you lost your password, we can open up your account again for you.